August 31, 1996
Iron Man/XO Delayed
Iron Man/X-O Manowar In Heavy Metal featuring Marvel Comics’ Iron Man and Acclaim Comics’ X-O Manowar has been delayed till the final quarter of this year.
Sega Classics for Saturn
Afterburner 2, Space Harrier, Outrun, and Fantasy Zone are all being re-released for the Saturn in the Sega Ages series. They will appear on separate discs, not all on one.
from Game Fan Online
Reason for No UPDATES Yesterday
Yesterday, for the first time in the history of Dave’s Sega Saturn Page, the page did not experience an update. I apologize for this, but it was out of my control as I was stuck in Troop 3 all day, awaiting my arraignment. Don’t bother emailing me asking, ‘for what?’, cause I won’t tell. But, if everything goes smoothly (let’s all pray), it will not effect the page updates in the future, but if everything blows up in my face, there may be up to two years of no updates.
August 29, 1996
New US Releases
Virtua Fighter Kids and NFL Quarterback Club ’97 have arrived in stores, today, August 29, 1996.
August 28, 1996
New Japanese Releases
Two highly anticipated Saturn games have been released in Japan, Dark Savior and Fighting Vipers.
August 27, 1996
Japan Gaming News
- Virtual On is currently in low-resolution. The entire battle stage is done using polygons and is very close to the arcade, minus some shading. The dual stick is a near replica of the arcade.
- Fighting Vipers looks to be a good translation, albeit, in low resolution. The special effects like the breaking of the fence, are present. There are 11 training modes to choose from.
info from Saturn Fan #18 as posted by Bunny on r.g.v.s
August 25, 1996
SSF2X For Saturn
In case you don’t recognize the game from the initials, it is Super Street Fighter 2 X (Turbo in US). Isn’t this an old title? Well, yes, but if you ask a lot of Street Fighting Fans, it is stll the best Street Fighter. And since the 3DO version was not perfect (unlike many magazines claimed), this can be the first perfect version of possibly the best Street Fighter to date. This information comes from Saturn Fan #18.
August 24, 1996
Virtual On News
At the Tokyo Game Show, it was announced that Virtual On was 50% complete, and running at 60fps (although, some reports state 30fps). The game will be packed with the dual arcade mission stick and retail for a $100 (In Japan). The dual arcade mission stick will be an arcade replica and not be two mission sticks hooked up together.
World Series Baseball II Released
World Series Baseball II has arrived in stores. In fact, a reader has already submitted a review, to check it out Click here.
August 23, 1996
Sonic X-Treme Delayed
Game Fan Online, yesterday, reported that Sonic X-Treme, the first Sonic game slated for the 32-bit Saturn, has been delayed until next year for unknown reasons. Sonic Blast is now coming out for the Saturn and will have many added features not found in the Genesis version including: a polygonal Sonic, 2 special bonus rounds, special climate effects (as in Nights), a 16 million color palette, CD quality (redbook) music and sound effects, and a CG opening movie. Sonic Blast for the Saturn will be out on November 21.
August 22, 1996
NiGHTS to Outsell VF2
Next Gen Online reported, yesterday, that Sega has stated that they expect NiGHTS to outsell VF2, which is currently the Saturn’s best seller. For more on this story, go to Next Generation Online
August 21, 1996
NiGHTS in Stores
NiGHTS will start arriving in stores nationwide, today, August 21, 1996.
Sega of Japan Bans Nudity
Japanese game maker Sega Enterprises Ltd. said Wednesday it had decided to ban the use of software depicting sexually explicit and excessively violent scenes for its television game machines.
Sega spokesman Munehiro Umemura said the company would eliminate its adult-category games, including sexually explicit graphics, and impose stricter standards for games recommended for those over 18 years old from October.
Sonic Series for Saturn
All the sonic games are to be released on one disc for the Saturn. It will be called Sonic Series.
information from Paul O’Keeffe
August 20, 1996
Sega Ships NiGHTS
Sega of America Inc. Tuesday shipped to 20,000 stores nationwide its critically acclaimed 3-D flight-action title “NiGHTS,” a ground- breaking new Sega Saturn game featuring panoramic graphics and 360- degree flight.
Currently topping the video-game charts and pushing Mario 64 out of the top-10 list in Japan, Sonic Team’s “NiGHTS” is proving to be the most sought-after next-generation video game.
August 17, 1996
New Game by Warp
Warp has announced a new title for the Saturn in Japan, tentatively called ‘Real Sound’.
from Game Fan Online
August 16, 1996
Sega’s Gamer’s Day
Some of the bigger titles shown today by Sega’s Third Parties: Mech Warrior 2, Tomb Raider, Crimewave, Die Hard, Doom, Hexen, Hardcore 4X4, Waterworld Abuse, Tempest, and Soviet Strike.
from Next Generation Online
August 15, 1996
Resident Evil 2 Announced for Saturn
Resident Evil 2 has been announced for the Sega Saturn by Capcom. Capcom will also be making a Saturn Exclusive game that will be announced in October.
from EGS.
Sega Kicks off Ad Campaign at Six Flags
Sega of America Inc. Thursday began a multi-tiered, national in-park promotion with Six Flags Theme Parks to premiere its revolutionary 3-D flight-action title, “NiGHTS,” its new groundbreaking Sega Saturn game which will be available later this month.
“Six Flags is the perfect location to unveil this awesome new game to our target market,” Ted Hoff, executive vice president, sales and marketing for Sega of America, said. “`NiGHTS’ is a video game `tour de force’ based on flying and dreaming. Six Flags patrons will appreciate the thrill and adventure in this remarkable new game, as much as they like the rides at the park.”
Sega of Japan’s 4th Qtr Lineup
- Ayer’s Adventure – RPG
- Worldwide Soccer ’97 – Sports
- Riglord Saga 2 – Strategy/RPG
- Virtua Cop 2
- Daytona USA Remix – Arcade
- World Series Baseball 2 – Sports
- Terrafantastica – Strategy/RPG
- Sega Ages: Outrun – Arcade
- Virtual On – Arcade
’96 Unspecified
- Shining the Holy Ark – RPG
- Act Remix – Action/Strategy
- Sega Ages: Fantasy Zone – Shooting
from Game Fan Online
Sega’s Gamer’s Day
The following Titles will be showcased today:
- Worldwide Soccer 97
- World Series Baseball 2
- Sonic Extreme (one playable level)
- Virtual On
- The Netlink (web browser only)