Cheat Menu from Chris In the options menu, go to “player name”. On there, put name either “Go Postal” for something, “Fox Rox” for something else, “Godzilla” for somthing better, or “Tourist” for something stupid. Which ever one you use, go to the Start Game Multiplayer, and options screen. As soon […]
Golden Axe: The Duel
Short Loading In vs mode while you win and the words “xxx wins” appears press pause then the Left Shift Button. A short Cut select mode should appear. You can now select fighters without loadong.
Earthworm Jim 2
Nine Lives Press Y, A, Right, Down, Down, A, Left, Right. 100% Energy Press Left, A, Z, Y, Down, A, Y, Down. Plasma Gun Press C, A, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Left. Three-finger Gun Press Down, A, Up, B, Right, Right, C, Right. More Homing Missles Pause the game. […]
Dark Legend
Change Skin Color When selecting any of the seven characters, keep holding the button and use the d-pad to choose their skin color.
Clockwork Knight
Level select At the title screen (while press starts button is showing) press left, up, right, down, right, right, up, R button. The stage name will appear. press up and down to choose a stage.Final Level After entering in the Level select code, press left, right, right, up, tight, right, […]
Bust-A-Move 3
Another World from Edward J.D. Press a, left, right, a in the title screen (press start screen)
Bio Hazard
P.A.R./GameShark Codes from SEVEN “MASTER CODE” F6000924 C305 B6002800 0000 “INFINITE ENERGY (JILL)” .off 102F51AC 005C “INFINITE ENERGY (CHRIS)” .off 102F51AC 008C “TURN KNIFE INTO SHOTGUN” 102F8784 0363 “FREEZE TIMER IN BATTLE GAME” 102FFFA2 0000 Art Gallery Tip from Eastman In the Art Gallery, the correct sequence to look at the pictures […]
Secret Mode & Level Select from Matt Penrose First, enter the options screen. On the second controller, press LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, L BUTTON, R BUTTON, START. “Secret Mode” should appear at the top of the screen. Exit back to the title screen, and press UP, DOWN, LEFT, […]
Alien Trilogy
On Level Password Screen Enter “F1LLMYPOCK1TS” – Unlimited Ammo “FLYT0XX” – Jump to Level (Note: the 0 is a zero, and the XX represent the level number ex: “FLYT030” The password for unlimited everything on the PlayStation is “1G0TP1NK8C1DB00TS0N” but I have no idea what it is for the Saturn […]
4 MB RAM Cart
Compatibility with the 4 MB RAM Cart from Arnaud Yes : Cyberbots, Fighters History Dynamite, Groove on Fight, Marvel Super Heroes, Metal Slug, Samurai Shodown 3, Waku Waku 7, Fatal Fury Real Bout Spécial. No : Fatal Fury Real Bout, KOF 96, Samourai Shodown 4