A whopping nine new games have been recently released for the Sega Saturn in Japan and are currently available for import in the United States. These games include Bubble Symphony, Blue Breaker, Grandread, Nanatsu Kaze, Next King Ltd, Refrain Love, Sega Ages Memorial, Sega Touring Car and Vandel Hearts. Bubble […]
Two New Saturn Games Released in Japan
Two more new games have been released for the Sega Saturn in Japan and are currently available for import in the United States. Sonic R, which is identical to the United States version, has been released and is available for import in the U.S. The other game is Cotton II, […]
Sega Ships Steep Slope Sliders for the Saturn
The popularity of snowboarding has snowballed so much over the last few years that it is now an Olympic sport — but Olympiads won’t be the only ones “getting extreme” this winter. Gamers can experience the thrills of real snowboarding, and boldly go where no snowboarder has gone before, with […]
Several New Saturn Games Released in Japan
Several new games have been recently released for the Sega Saturn in Japan. These games include: Zap Snowboarding ’98, Twinkle Star Sprites, Ninja Penguin Man Maru, Mystery Hospital, Soukyugurentai Value pack and Kyuukyoku. All games should be available for import in the United States.
Ascii to Allocate New Shares to Sega
Software publisher Ascii Corp said on Thursday it would allocate 5.5 million new shares to information service company CSK Corp and 3.3 million shares to gamemaker Sega Enterprises Ltd. Ascii said it would also allocate one million new shares to Isao Ohkawa, chairman of CSK and Sega, and 900,000 to […]
Sega Officially Announces New System
Sega of America, Inc. confirmed today that it is developing a new powerful video game console to be released in North America in 1999. To remain financially responsible in the interim, Sega today eliminated 30 percent of its U.S. workforce. The company will support its mature products in 1998 while […]
Sega Enterprises Confirms Management Changes
Sega Enterprises, Ltd. confirmed that the following management changes were approved and adopted by the company’s Board of Directors today: Mr. Shoichiro Irimajiri, currently Representative Director and Executive Vice President, will be appointed Representative Director, President, effective February 10. Mr. Hayao Nakayama, currently Representative Director and President, will be appointed […]
Sega Selects PowerVR
NEC Electronics Inc. and VideoLogic Thursday announced that PowerVR Second-Generation technology will be the visual heart of the Sega next-generation console, expected to be released in Japan in November 1998 and worldwide in 1999. The PowerVR Second-Generation technology, implemented in the new Sega console — to be called Dreamcast in […]
Segata Sanshiro Movies
These commercials have long been retired, but for those of you that have been lucky enough to have seen the Segata Sanshiro television commercials that were used to promote the Sega Saturn in Japan — they will never be forgotten. But just because you missed them when the Saturn was […]
Shenmue on Sega Saturn
I honestly don’t recall the story behind it, but here’s an old video of Shenmue running on the Sega Saturn. Original credit goes to Segadult for digitizing it and for Chakan of SegaFans for original posting it. Shenmue on Sega Saturn (26,697 K)