If you want an example of just how ignorant Sega can be when it comes to quality games, let me refresh everyone’s memories with a game long lost due to ignorance. The game is Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, an RPG/action game where you play a vampire who must fulfill […]
Sega of Japan vs Sega of America
Well folks it that time again. Taunt has chosen victims and has prepared to make a short rant and here it is. First I would like start by saying that SEGA has managed to take a wonderful machine (the Saturn) and through wise management make it that much better, But […]
Enough is Enough!!
Is the Saturn the most popular console in the US? Of course it’s not. Many have formed an opinion of what they consider to be “cool”, and the Saturn isn’t leading it. It is, however, something that many see as being as good as or better than the alternatives. Just […]
Another WD/Sega Editorial
Before I start I think it’s time for everyone to calm down on the WD/SoA issue. And I will tell you why… First off, this issue seems to be a business one. Sure, it has all the earmarks of personal problems at play, but still, these are two companies. I […]
Response: Eating Saturn Owner’s Money
have some problems with what ShowBob said about the prices of Saturn accessories. First off, I will agree with him, that some of the accessories are vital to owning a Saturn, but, what he has to say about the prices and that Sega should lower the prices of accessories, there […]
The NetLink’s Next Move- Sink Or Swim?
As a NetLink owner, I can’t begin to express my feelings over the arrival of on-line games. The reason for that, however, is not because I’m in awe, but because there’s been so many delays that I doubt their arrival even after Sega’s announcement. And, even if they do arrive, […]
That Shady Five Star Policy
I agree with Renn Shion, SEGA’s description of that 5-star policy is very questionable. What is SEGA thinking? I can’t imagine a worse scenario, Marketing Execs deciding which games are good. What about videogame players? I know Renn is correct when he calls SEGA of America “lazy”, just look at […]
Just a Thought
With more and more news about Sega’s next console coming to light it sounds like they have done their homework. A good operating system, lots of ram, fast CPU and a 12speed CD-rom it all sound pretty good ahh. But I wonder if this thought ever crossed Sega’s mind Sony […]
The Cheap Game Game
Recently, something came to my attention. J.M. Vargas mentioned in one of his reviews that I, the one and only Dark Falcon (well, for now I guess…who knows where the hell cloning will go), buy the likes of Revolution X and Contra: Legacy of War simply because I am a […]
Get Me off This Sinking Ship
The Saturn has lost its footing. But why? There can be little argument over which system provides the most Arcade games, for Sega makes so many of them. And thank god Sony can’t buy out Capcom. So with the best arcade games in the market, Saturn is facing a premature […]